Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New PS3 on the horizon

It's definite. I'm getting a PS3 after the holidays. And I'm a sneaky bastard.

I planted the seed with my decision not to get the iphone. When I told my girlfriend that in the long run it would cost me less money to get a PS3 than an iphone she started warming up to the idea. She knows that sometimes I'm going to spend money on things like that, she just wants me to keep it under control. Of course, I haven't mentioned how much the games actually cost, but she's not my wife yet so she doesn't have to know that Final Fantasy XIII is going to cost me about a hundred bucks.

This weekend the decision was made. 100% certainty now. I will get a PS3. I was smart. What I did was I told her that first of all I would buy her engagement ring first. If I spend $1000-$2000 on a ring for her, she really can't complain if I spend $400 on a game for me. The next step was that I told her I would use change to pay for half of it. That's right, change. She laughed when I said this. She said, "Haha, okay, if you want to use change to pay for half of it, then you can buy a PS3 anytime." Little did she know that I've been holding onto my change since I moved here over two years ago. I already have like $200 in change. I am a sneaky bastard.

I said, "Great," and walked upstairs to the loft to get my gigantic load of change. It was great seeing the shock on her face when I came down the stairs with a bag that had so much change in it I could barely carry the damn thing. The bag was so full that I think my downstairs neighbors must have thought I dropped a bag of bricks on the floor when I put the bag down.

Now all I have to do is hit the gym a few times a week so I can actually carry all the change to the bank to exchange it for cash.

I can't wait. I predict I will have my PS3 by the end of February. Intensives are coming up in January so buying her ring will be easy. Then it's all PS3 all the time baby.

If you notice a big lapse in my blogging for a two month period after I buy it, you'll know why.


  1. Ha. I'm married to a Korean lady too. Same shit regarding the expenses. I managed to buy the two add-ons of my favorite MMORPG by offering her a 200 bucks coat for Christmas.

    It's all about negotiations with them...

    EDIT: I just wanna say that I've been requested to enter "phallus" as a confirmation code to publish my comment. I'm scarred for life.

  2. You know if you get that PS3 first, and spend all your time playing it, there is a good chance you will be able to save the $3,000 you were planning on spending on the wedding ring. Just a thought.

  3. if you get it let me know and i'll meet you online for any sports game

  4. -LouDog

    Probably wouldn't be a good idea. But I'll take it under consideration.

  5. -Mike

    Hockey will probably be the first sports game I get. As you know from my blog I'm a hockey fan. And gamespot mentioned that the new EA hockey for PS3 might be the best sports game ever produced.

  6. -Mister Baekseju

    Yeah, constant negotiations. But the thing is, as long as she gets what she wants she's happy and I can do whatever I want with the leftovers. That's fine with me. I don't need much. Just some macjew, video games, and hockey and I'm happy.
