Monday, November 16, 2009

wild weekend

Uhhgg, where to start.

Well, Friday was relatively uneventful. My girlfriends mother was a little sick, so my girl had to stay home and take care of her the whole day. I think that put her in a bad mood for the rest of the weekend, because I just couldn't do anything right this weekend.

On Saturday I cleaned my apartment. In the process I found some gold necklace that I had given to an ex-girlfriend. She returned it to me when we broke up and I just didn't know what to do with it. I asked my girlfriend what she thought we should do with it. Bad idea. I should have just kept my fucking mouth shut. I asked her if I should sell it, and buy something nice for her with it. I asked her if she wanted it, I didn't think that was a big deal since she still wears a necklace her ex-boyfriend gave her about 4 times a week. Or if she thought I should just throw it away, it's gold, but it's really not worth that much money.

She refused to speak to me for about an hour at the mere question of "Do you want it?" I opted with the third choice, just throw it away. I figured that was what she wanted anyways. So, I put it in a trash bag and returned to cleaning. I cleaned almost my entire fucking apartment while she sat there on the couch watching awful Korean tv shows.

After about an hour, she finally offered to actually help. Then she spent ten minutes sweeping the floor, five minutes washing dishes, complained about how tired she was and took a nap on the couch, while I got on my hands and knees and scrubbed the shit out of the floor. When I was finally finished she was in a better mood, so we went out for daegi-galbi. Daegi-galbi is about the greatest meal in the world. It's basically just marinated pork that you cook yourself on a grill right at the table.

We had a good meal and talked about going to the beach or something, but decided it was too cold, so we just went home. On the way home, she decided that maybe I should sell that necklace instead of throwing it away. So, when we got back to my building I had to sift through all the disgusting garbage in the big trash bin looking for the bag that had the necklace in it. After about ten minutes of clawing through fucking old kimchi, cigarette butts, and thrown away toilet paper, (they're all afraid to flush it down the toilet in this country because of bad plumbing) I finally found the necklace.

We finally got back to my apartment and I decided that after climbing through all that shit I deserved a cigarette. This was a big problem, I'd already had my allotted one cigarette of the day, so this was the ultimate betrayal of her trust. I promised I would try to only smoke one cigarette a day when we are together. I usually do great with only one, it's not a big deal. But after climbing through that shit to retrieve a necklace that should have never been in the trash, and was only thrown in there because it was the only thing that would make her happy, I made an executive decision to up my limit on this day to two cigarettes.

When I got back in the apartment after smoking she was pissed off of course. I took a shower to get rid of the smell and clean off the shit from climbing through the garbage, but she was still pissed off.

Finally, after about an hour more of the silent treatment I went upstairs and tickled her. Seriously, if we're fighting and I tickle her she forgives me. I love her, but she's like a four year old sometimes. The tickle strategy worked and we were friends again. We talked about marriage and I asked her to marry me. She said yes. End of story.

Saturday turned out well in the end. But, here I am on Monday and she's not talking to me, why is that you ask? Well, I haven't told you about Sunday yet.

Sunday started off well enough. I got up and watched the Bruins game in the morning. They lost to Pittsburgh, but they played well and it was a hell of an entertaining game, so it's okay.

After the game I waited for her to show up for church. She's always late. Church starts at 2:00pm and she showed up at my building at 1:58pm. I got downstairs at 2:00pm. She was mad at me for being two minutes later than her getting downstairs. She called me before and told me be ready in three minutes. I assumed that meant she was leaving her house in three minutes, that's what it usually means. However, this time she was actually on her way here when she called. I didn't know this, she didn't tell me. So, she was mad because I assumed that she was going to be late like she always is. We got to church at around 2:20, which is about ten minutes earlier than usual, so she was at least happy about that, and was back in a good mood.

When church was over we went to Sfunz (pronounced spungee) and walked around a little bit looking at some stuff. She likes to look at boots, so we looked at boots. She has "Ugz", I guess they're pretty popular boots. She likes to look at "Ugz" imitation boots and tell me how they're not as good as the ones she's wearing.

After looking at imitation boots we went to the bookstore, because I want to get a new bible. Mine is falling apart. Like I said before, I just sit there reading the bible in church because I can't understand a fucking thing anyways. I might as well have a decent bible that doesn't kill my eyes to read. I didn't buy one though, because I wasn't sure if any of them were the King James version. They have a lot of the books for foreigners wrapped in plastic so we can't actually inspect them before we buy them. Instead, I just ordered one from amazon today. We also looked at lonely planet guides and decided that we'd like to go to Prague for our honeymoon. Assuming we're still going to have a honeymoon.

We got home after that and everything was hunky fucking dorey. I started making some spaghetti and meatballs, she watched shitty Korean TV shows, we were the fucking picture of domestic bliss. Then, we started talking about apartments. I mistakenly asked her about some coworkers and what they pay for their two bedroom apartment. I should know better by now, we just can't talk about money yet, it ends up in a fight every time we discuss it.

At one point, she told me that she wants to have a two bedroom apartment. It'd be nice to have an extra room for our extra stuff. I'll just call it her tantrum room (not to her). She can use it to go and have her tantrums when I say something she doesn't like, and I can use it for my music stuff if I ever feel like playing.

The standard in this area for a two bedroom is about 700,000 won, or about $650USD. Sounds great to me. Sounds like a steal to be able to live in a two bedroom for that amount. However, me saying that sounds like something we can afford infuriated her. She wants to buy an apartment, and so do I, so she doesn't want to pay that much. Fine with me. I want to buy a place too, but I'm actually realistic about our abilities financially. She wants everything and she wants it now.

Therein lies the problem. She wants everything and wants it now, but she expects me to do all the fucking work. I don't speak Korean. I can't look at apartment listings to find out how much they cost and where we should be looking. I just can't fucking do it. They don't list that shit in English. However, I'm expected to know everything, regardless of the fact that I can't speak the fucking language.

So, here I am today, wondering what the fuck is going on. She stormed out last night saying, "I have my standards, and you have yours, and they're different." I don't have any fucking standards, I don't give a shit. I just wanted a two bedroom apartment because she told me that was what she wanted. I just want her to be comfortable. That's all I care about.

Now, I have no fucking clue what's going on. I'm sure she'll be over it by the time I get to work today, at least I hope so. I don't want to have to tickle her in the middle of school.

Anyways, that's about it. I just finished Korean class and still haven't heard from her. This post might be a bit disjointed, because I started it before my class and finished it after, but I'll re-read it later and maybe edit it a bit and add some details. Right now, I have to get ready for work.

So, long story short. I'm engaged...I think???

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